September 27, 2022 3 min read
Although the seasons are changing and we are saying goodbye to summer and hello to fall, good things are coming! And by good things, we mean MARATHON SEASON! We know our Zensah Community is as excited as us about the upcoming marathons, and along with celebrating those who've worked so hard to race this season, we also want to celebrate the cities, people, and creativity of each special destination. First up, it's Philadelphia!
We partnered up with an extraordinary and talented artist, illustrator, and designer, Micah Beahan! He happens to also be a runner...of course!
Micah worked closely to bring his creativity to this exclusive and never-seen before design honoring the Philadelphia & the upcoming Philly Marathon! Introducing: The Philly Doodle design. Featuring illustrative elements (developed by Micah) which express some of the most iconic aspects of Philadelphia, this design is super special and full of (brotherly) love for this amazing city and the artists (like Micah!) who make it special.
Read on to get some insights into Micah's journey as a runner, artist, and creative spirit in our interview with him!
ZS: Thanks for chatting with us! What is one thing you want people to know about you?
MB: I was the first openly transgender student athlete to compete in my school district while growing up. I was beyond fortunate enough to have an incredibly supportive coach and community; absolutely every athlete should have the same. Transgender people, especially transgender kids, only make their teams stronger, and deserve more that anything to compete amongst their peers in a welcoming environment.
ZS: How did you get into running? Why do you run?
MB: I come from a family of avid runners. Though I ran competitively on my high school track and cross country team, I prefer to take a more relaxed approach these days, running more for the overall wellness benefits as opposed to focusing on course records
ZS: What led you to study Art, Design, and Illustration? What does it mean to you?
MB: I’ve wanted to pursue a career in visual arts and design ever since childhood. Illustration gives me the opportunity to make the world a little bit brighter while pursuing a career in something I love.
ZS: What are some things you love about Philadelphia? How is it unique?
MB: The vibrant arts culture! from free live music and art galleries, to “pay what you wish” days at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it’s never hard to find accessible in’s to the local arts scene!
ZS: Where in Philly can we find you? (Working, Running, Eating, Exploring... Anything!)
MB: Working at Philadelphia Runner, running or biking along the Schuylkill River Trail, hiking at the Wissahickon Valley Park, or grabbing food from Chinatown!
ZS: What does collaborating with brands (like Zensah) mean to you? What's your creative process like?
MB: It’s an opportunity to do something I love, while providing brands an opportunity to release unique, bright, and colorful products. I typically start by making note of what brands I would love to work with, what current work in my portfolio would fit with their products, and how I can merge my overall interests with my artwork!
ZS: Can you explain the illustrations you made for Zensah's "Philly Doodle" design?
MB: I wanted to highlight the most notable aspects of Philadelphia’s culture! from our architectural and sculptural icons, to our sports and cuisine.
Above: Micah's Philly Doodle Design Knee High Compression Socks, Leg Sleeves & Mini Crew
ZS: Do you have any advice/city recommendations for those coming to Philadelphia for the Philadelphia Marathon?
MB: Pick up some race gear at Philadelphia Runner! we’re voted one of the best running stores in the country.
ZS: What is one quote or personal mantra you live by? (Can apply to art/design/running...or life!!)
MB: “One step at a time”! this can apply to all aspects of my life really; I’m not going to be marathon ready overnight, nor is my artwork going to become a huge success in the same amount of time. It’s all about having a goal, and making small, sustainable steps towards it every day.
ZS: Zensah’s motto is #withoutlimitz meaning we want you to feel limitless in everything you do. We have a campaign called “Limitless Looks Like This” because limitlessness can look different for every person. Limitless might look like finding balance, reaching goals, acing the race you have coming up, or manifesting your future. What does limitless look like for you?
MB: My limitless looks like creating goals and staying true to them. Because goals are what give our life purpose, in the act of striving to improve in the future. We actively become better versions of ourselves in the present.
LOVE THE DESIGN LIKE WE DO? See more of Micah's work here!
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