Compression technology offers many advantages to athletes of all levels. Our wide range of compression products are of the highest quality on the market. We take great pride in being the leading compression apparel company worldwide.
A moisture-wicking fabric has two duties. One is wicking away sweat to the fabric’s outer surface, and the other is quickly drying so that your sweat doesn’t saturate the fabric. Since, your body is able to regulate its temperature efficiently, and the fabric touching your skin now has a dry, non-sticky feel, overall comfort is greatly enhanced.
Graduated compression relieves aches, pains, and swelling. Perfect for travelers and those on their feet all day, bless your body with the many health benefits and optimal comfort of graduated compression technology.
Our compression sleeves and garments significantly aid muscles’ recovery after exhausting exercise. How? The products augment the movement of blood through muscles after exercising, when blood flow would otherwise slow.
If you're someone who suffers from cold feet, it could be affecting your sleep patterns. Studies have shown wearing socks while you sleep to keep your feet warm and comfortable can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality and recovery.
Did you know that icing sore or injured muscles can actually delay recovery? Doing so constricts blood vessels, making it difficult for the body to treat damaged tissue with repair cells. Applying heat, compression, and light movement is actually the fastest way to recover. Some Zensah socks come with special minerals embedded in the yarn, which absorb body heat and re-emit them as infrared rays, providing gentle heating to sore or injured muscles.
So many athletes suffer from the all too common post-workout stench brought on by compression apparel. With this in mind, our compression garments are perfectly designed and manufactured to deliver comfortable, breathable, and odor-free workouts to all.
Chafe no more with the help of Zensah! Our moisture wicking fabric removes wetness from the skin to ensure that chafing is nothing but an afterthought.
Improve performance and speed recovery after workouts, by utilizing compression technology to increase the flow of blood through muscles. This increase in circulation reduces inflammation and muscle soreness by helping to flush away some of the biochemical byproducts of hard workouts such as lactate.
All of our compression socks are equipped with a wide and seamless toe box. But don’t just stop at compression socks. Stock up on all our athletic gear to ensure maximum comfort from head to toe.
Merino wool breathes and manages moisture better than any other fiber. Merino wool specifically prevents against the itchiness typically associated with wool fabrics. A wool fiber behaves similarly to our skin, naturally cooling and heating as the body needs.
The posterior tibialis is responsible for maintaining a healthy, supportive arch during all activities and exercise. This muscle originates behind your shinbone, runs inside your ankle, and attaches to many of the tarsal bones inside your arch. Our products are specifically designed to support weak and flat arches.